Doctor texting during surgery paralyzes patient

HealthNews of the Month
Click on each headline to read the full story.

Sodium-Saturated Diet Is a Threat for All
“Maybe you think you don’t have to worry about salt. After all, you don’t have high blood pressure, you’re not overweight and you exercise regularly.”

Debate Persists on Deadly Flu Made Airborne
The young scientist, normally calm and measured, seemed edgy when he stopped by his boss’s office. “You are not going to believe this one,” he told Ron Fouchier, a virologist at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. “I think we have an airborne H5N1 virus.”

Broccoli Chemical Stems Breast Cancer Cells
“Sulfur compounds in broccoli stop creation of breast cancer stem cells; Effect should extend to kale, cabbage, and broccoli’s many ‘cruciferous’ cousins.”

As Doctors Use More Devices, Potential for Distraction Grows
“Hospitals and doctors’ offices, hoping to curb medical error, have invested heavily to put computers, smartphones and other devices into the hands of medical staff for instant access to patient data, drug information and case studies.”


Warning-Doctors were given a green light to prescribe drugs to preschoolers

HealthNews of the Month
Click on each headline to read the full story.

Drugs to Treat A.D.H.D. Reach the Preschool Set
“Ruth Grau was first told her son had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder when he was 3. The idea of medicating him was anathema to her, so she and her husband tried an alternative approach…”

Alternative treatments
“Done anything alternative lately? If so, you have a lot of company. When we surveyed 45,601 Consumer Reports subscribers online, we found that three out of four were using some form of alternative therapy for their general health.”

Too Much Acetaminophen Over Time May Damage Liver
“Taking slightly too much of the pain reliever acetaminophen over time can lead to an overdose that can cause liver failure and death, according to a new study.”

Bad Cholesterol Not As Bad As People Think
“The so-called bad cholesterol – low-density lipoprotein commonly called LDL – may not be so bad after all, shows a Texas A&M University study that casts new light on the cholesterol debate, particularly among adults who exercise.”
